Original Research
Reading the National Disability and Rehabilitation Policy in the light of Foucault’s technologies of power
African Journal of Disability | Vol 2, No 1 | a41 |
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/ajod.v2i1.41
| © 2013 Lekholokoe P. Leshota
| This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 18 July 2012 | Published: 17 May 2013
Submitted: 18 July 2012 | Published: 17 May 2013
About the author(s)
Lekholokoe P. Leshota, National University of Lesotho, LesothoAbstract
In the area of disability studies, models have been at the centre of debates, influencing social policies, practices and legal frameworks. The former Ministry of Health and Social Welfare in the Kingdom of Lesotho was not an exception. In its efforts to tackle issues of disability, it produced The National Disability and Rehabilitation Policy: Mainstreaming persons with disabilities into society in 2011. This policy document is rooted in the social model and seeks to address long-standing problems and challenges of people with disabilities in the Kingdom. Using ideas from Foucault, particularly the technologies and regimes of power, which work through language and practice, this article examined ways in which people with disabilities are constituted through state knowledge and government policies, and concluded that these constructions form the basis for alienation and marginalisation in society.
Models of disabilities; Governmentality; Participatory model
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Crossref Citations
1. Prioritizing rehabilitation in low- and middle-income country national health systems: a qualitative thematic synthesis and development of a policy framework
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International Journal for Equity in Health vol: 22 issue: 1 year: 2023
doi: 10.1186/s12939-023-01896-5